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Conversations Roots

Conversations in Music: Roots

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Pianist and Composer David Vincent Mills continues his concert series “Conversations”, fifth in the series, by returning to his roots with a solo piano concert featuring his uniquely improvised music. Much in the same as his first improvised solo piano concert that kicked off his "Conversations" concert series on May 15, 2008, Mills will base his songs on what he calls 'musical haiku' which are short musical phrases that are composed through improvisation during a performance. These phrases become themes for the performance and provide a vehicle for deeper exploration through further improvisation of the dialog created in the moment between Mills and his surroundings. This concert is to feature music that not only includes but extends beyond his extensive knowledge of Jazz. Mills taps into alternative musical styles from around the world along with his traditional classical pianist background to intertwine all of these influences into pieces that are inspired from being in the moment and connecting with the audience. It is Mills' greatest hope and joy to strive for the inspiration within a time and place and to weave it into what he calls a 'musical prayer'.

2008, May 15 - Conversations in Music: Solo Piano

2009, May 15 - Conversations in Music: Dance

2010, June 18 - Conversations in Music: Evolution

2011, June 30 - Conversations in Music: Dimensions